Jumping up and down – news from the show in Florida
My “To Keep Them Sweet” ribbon won a Complex Weavers prize at the Dallas Handweavers Guild show.
Thanks to the kind help and good connections of a guild member, I was able to get it into the Complex Weavers Show at Convergence in Florida.
One of the things I kind of agonized over, was whether to offer it for sale, and if so, how to price it. There’s silk reeling, and hundreds of tiny beads, and lots of hours of design work. So I decided to go ahead and put a price on it, but one that would make me happy to let go of it – $350. I decided some time ago that if I was going to sell weaving and be able to get my time back, it would have to be art gallery prices, not craft show prices. I figured nobody would bite, but ya never know.
My friend just took this photo of it in the display case and emailed it to me.
Can you see the little green sticker? It says SOLD.
This SO made my day.