Sue’s New Eggs, Hen Pecking
The fertile Marans eggs arrived in the mail today!
They were all well-packaged, and all six of them arrived whole and uncracked.
They’re not quite as large as Ginger’s freakishly Jumbo eggs, but their color is excellent.
I set up a broody box for Sue in the upstairs bathroom, where we raised the Ameracuana chicks this spring. The other hens were sitting on top of her to lay eggs in the favorite nest!
This looks like two roosters getting in a fight… but I swear the big black one with the tall comb (Jeanette) has given us an egg every day for the past two months. I love how she spits out a mouth full of feathers at about 0:36. Sorry about the blurry focus!
Finally, the little banty rooster pushes the right “submit” button, and Jeanette bows down. He is suddenly puzzled… like the amorous Dachsund who finds that the neighbor’s Great Dane is willing, but doesn’t know how to go about it. He tries to mount her from a couple of different angles, then gives up.