Yaaay for prizes!!
I just got back from this state-wide fiber arts convention. My class was small (only four people signed up!) but they did well and I think learned a lot. I’ve forgotten how draining it can be to stand up and talk for hours and hours. A lot of people expressed interest, and some of them are talking about hosting me for workshops, which is very pleasing. I enjoy teaching.
The Orangeganzine took First Place in its category, Handspun. And the medallion ribbon took BEST IN SHOW!!
It was not a tiny show. I was floored. There was some amazing stuff there.
And, on an also-very-cool note – they were CASH PRIZES. The coordinator was handing out the envelopes, and I didn’t realize they were checks – she said to the crowd at large, “And if any of you were wondering if Best in Show is like another first place, or if it’s more… it’s more.” I thought she was talking about how it was decided, like if it ranked with the others… but it was more, in the envelope. Wow. I’ve never won a cash prize for my weaving work before. Of course, I promptly spent most of it on books, tools, and prezzies. And cocoons!