In case you were wondering (I was!) what the difference between Size A and Size 000 thread is – now I can show you.
I wanted to wait until I had some of the Heminway dyed black, so I could compare apples to apples.
The bulky stuff on the right is regular size A silk sewing thread – 50 meters to the gram. It’s what I wove the medallion ribbon with.

This one, the regular size A thread is on the left.

THIS makes me very, very happy. The silk takes color beautifully, and has a nice sheen.

THIS, on the other hand, makes me very, very frustrated. The silk is so fine that it tangles at the drop of a hat. I’ve been making 1500 yard skeins, and tying them with Figure 888 ties twelve ties per skein… and they’re still snarling up. I’m thinking shorter skeins will help; I can’t really do more ties. Currently, I’ve been getting back about 1/3 of it before it becomes just impossibly snarled. What you’re looking at is the parts that I finally took off the swift, after spending too many hours getting two or three yards at a time off it.