The Guild Show
The Dallas Handweavers and Spinners Guild Show opened on Thursday, April 10. It’s on display until May 25.
The rest of the photos are here:
The Dallas Handweavers and Spinners Guild Show opened on Thursday, April 10. It’s on display until May 25.
The rest of the photos are here:
My “To Keep Them Sweet” ribbon won the Complex Weavers Award at the Dallas Handweavers and Spinners Guild Show! I’m very jazzed about it.
I’ll post photos from the show, once I’ve had time to sit and resize them and fiddle with them.
Behind the cut, is information about the piece and the show, so I’ll have it in one place.
You may have seen this before…
Chris woke me up at 3:30 this morning; the air raid sirens were going off. We got the dogs and huddled in the bathtub, and listened to the battery radio, until we could hear that they’d stopped, and the radio was saying it was miles past us.
That’s not my car.
I’m getting mixed up icons on my friends page.
Whatever is doing it, it seems to “stick” to the particular individuals… like the same mix-up keeps showing up.
You know how you sometimes just see the name, and read the story, and forget to carefully read who’s who?
I was REALLY surprised to read that Bob had gotten his ladyparts pierced.
Howdy! Anybody on my Friends List who was previously reading spinningfiber – it’s gone. I have only a vague understanding of what prompted it; the community’s founder removed the other maintainers, and then deleted the community.
If you’re looking for your hand-spun fix, handspinning is doing its best to take up the slack – the moderation team is in place there, and we’re trying to get the word out.
And here, for your viewing pleasure: this is one of my entries in the Juried Show that’s going up on April 10 – a set of five skeins of tram embroidery silk, shades of emerald green.