Teenage Chickens
The chickens are growing up fast! They’re eight weeks old today. They will spend long periods of time some distance from their momma, although they still tend to hang out with her when the other hens are around, and she’s still feeding them and gathering them up into the coop at night.
We’ve quite definitely got three pullets (young hens) and two cockerels (young roosters) – this time around, the differences were clear quite young, and have become more pronounced as they grow.
One of the pullets. This one has a little more of the copper on her back than she really should have, but I think she’s going to grow up to be a lovely hen.
One of the cockerels. This one is more than a little on the gangly-and-awkward side; hopefully he will eventually grow into the length of his legs, and stop being such a momma’s boy. We call him Urkel.
Another family grouping, with a photo-bomb from Ginger.
I *love* Ginger’s expression. She always has this look in her eye. Ginger takes no crap from anybody.