Looking for Fortune Tellers!
Sammons Center where I work is putting together a Paranormal Forum for October 30, and we’re trying to find people who will do fortune-telling for about an hour to an hour and a half… whatever format, cards, palm-reading, etc… we’ll pay $50 flat rate for the evening. I need people who can be light-hearted and relaxed about it; this is party fortune-telling, not Serious Consultations on Matters of Deep Import. I have gotten so disconnected from the Dallas pagan scene that I don’t know any of the folks who would be likely to be interested… do you know anyone you could recommend? Would you be interested in reading Tarot or palms for an hour or so?
We will have a presentation from an author who has written a book about haunted North Texas; we’re going to have a panel with him and another ghost-hunter who does investigations with all the infrared cameras; the Shakespeare folks are going to do the Witches scene from Macbeth, the Chorale is doing a medley of songs from Wicked… I don’t have all the final details on schedule nailed down yet.
Please let me know if you have anyone you could suggest who might be interested!
One caveat: I will personally be out of town for this event. I’m going to be teaching in Oregon for SOAR. I’m helping with leg-work on this, and then I’ll turn it over to other staff members.
pity, i know lots of goood readers but not near texas…
I could help you out. I still read tarot, although I prefer Egyptian tiles. (I bet they’ve never seen these before, and they are quite impressive.) I’m very good, if I do say so myself.
If you haven’t found someone, email me at trueczarina69 at yahoo dot com.
I’d like to do this, except I live nowhere near Dallas. 🙁
sounds interesting, not sure I am that lighthearted anymore:-p
but My madame endoras fortune deck would be a hit;)
What are Egyptian tiles? Now you have me curious!
Check out dakotawitch’s blog. SHe is looking for a gig in the Dallas Area.
Elfkat sent me over here. I think I might be a good fit! If you’d like to get a feel for my style, check out my blog or the Tarot blog I maintain, http://community.livejournal.com/dw_divines
I have done a lot of party fortune telling and am light hearted about it, yet can be serious if things go that way. You can reach me at dakotawitch at gmail dot com as well.
ETA: Make that Elfkat, not Elfcat!
Hey! Would you please email me, michael@sammonsartcenter.org, so I can pass on your information to our Director? She’s putting together our slate of fortune-tellers for the event next week.