Moth Night


This is something that I’ve always wanted to do, and have never done.  Now, I’ve hung around outside buildings and watched the moths and other night-time insects come and go… but I’ve never done the full-on, out-in-the-woods, light-and-a-sheet type experience, where you trap moths with light and count and observe and all that.  So, I figure it’s National Moth Week coming up a month from now, I should do it.

We’re being hosted by the Cedar Ridge Audubon Preserve, (just south of Oak Cliff) with ID guidance and leadership from Dale Clark of the Dallas County Lepidopterists’ Society.    We’ll be meeting up at 8:30 PM, and staying until half past midnight, or when we get really tired.  Or later, if there are lots of cool moths.  It’s not a wildly exciting experience, but it’s got a certain geeky cool factor.

If you’re on Facebook, I’ve set up an event page where you can RSVP:

It’s pretty straight-forward; we’re gonna look at moths and other bugs that fly up to lights, and look them up in books, and take pictures of them, and let them go after.  We won’t be killing or pinning anything, because of the Audubon’s rules, although we will detain the moths to ID and photograph them.

Y’all let me know if you’re interested in coming along!

Here’s a video, with kind of an idea of what to expect:

1 reply
  1. Dolores
    Dolores says:

    And you even thought to have compatible moth music! I love it! I did a moth walk at the national Seashore in Eastham, Mass. Many years ago. Our moth leader was an expert n his field_ even had a recipe of sticky stuff to attract the moths so we could see them better. We went around to trees and applied the “stuff” to the bark and then returned at night darkness with flashlights. It was a really different kind of nature walk. Your walk sounds just as much fun and I like the idea that you photographed and looked up the genus names. Wish I lived closer – Florida has some really BIG moths – I’ll send them your way!

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