More Mystery Lace
This stuff is slow going – especially with having to rip back several inches when I dropped some of the live stitches and they instantly raveled back.
I’m quite pleased with the way this is working out. I’m 5/6 of the way through the first Full Repeat, and there will be 4 Full Repeats by the time I’m finally finished; it’s going to take a lot more of the “soldiering bravely on” mentality to get through this.
For scale, it’s 27″ edge to edge and 17″ top to bottom at this point.
heaven!! do you hear me?
WOW!! wow.
i am holding you up on a pedestal right now.
As always, “Wow!” Looks beautiful!! Keep soldiering on, keep soldiering on. Your Illinois cheering section is pulling for you 🙂
I’m finding lace less daunting than I had somehow imagined it; it makes such an amazing fabric out of such a light and little amount of string!
I hope I get to meet you in person some day. You always have just the right things to say.
‘Tis fun. I’ve never worked with such light yarn, but I love doing lace projects… The pattern is beautiful 🙂
oh, i hope so too.
i think you are the wind.
That pattern is so beautiful!
It looks like an old stained glass window with celtic knotwork borkers on each side, but so much more delicate!
Have you been dreaming about pink lace lately?
this is amazing. i need to take some pics of my stuff, nothing as grand as yours, but still fun!
Beautiful! Simply beautiful!
Very nicely done. *sigh* Must not start another project. Must not start another project. Must not start another project……
That is just incredible. It’s so intricate, yet so beautiful.
It’s really starting to look like something wonderful now.
That looks fabulous guy! It’s really amazing.
This is turning out absolutely stunning my dear, absolutely STUNNING!!
You’re so talented it scares me.
Seriously. This is beautiful. I admire your patience.
That is so impressive, beautiful, I love it!
I’ve just finished my first knitted piece, Branching Out. I hope some day to be able make lace as beautiful and complicated as that.
Branching Out was my first lace project too!
I’m actually doing a second Branching Out scarf; I did the first one in an alpaca sportweight yarn, and I’m doing the second in water-reeled tussah silk.
I just wanted to say that I spent all this morning reading every single link on your wormspit page. ALSO: you are a highly skilled and exacting craftsman! I am in love!
I forgot to mention – the lattice pattern running up the sides of the stole is VERY much like Branching Out. It’s rearranged just a little so that the “leaves” part becomes the center of the twisting bars, but the pattern is very much like it. This has been a good second project; it’s showing me how to do new things, without a LOT of new material.
Oooh, you must’ve had to use tiny needles for the silk one.
I’m glad you understood that I meant it was my first knitted *lace* piece, since I left a word out of that sentence. lol I like the shawls that use yarn overs to make pictures like, The Peace Shawl.
The silk is on US1’s. Something a little bigger (thread-wise) would have been a wiser choice; it’s pretty tedious for a second project.
I enjoyed looking through your gallery, as well. It’s so nice to see someone in the modern world who understands that art still needs good craftsmanship.
Wow! You know, I feel proud of myself when I can hem something…just saying. 🙂
Beautiful! You are so talented. 🙂 🙂
Wonderful work as always – I just learned how to purl yesterday – maybe one day I can be as ambitious to try lace knitting – great job!
All Lace is a Mystery to Me
This is just so lovely Michael. I wish lace were more in fashion…not that I’d know how to wear it, but it’s just so beautiful to look at. 8-]
very very nice 🙂 i should finish the pattern i’m doing in thick linen. someday 🙂
the black line on top is for safety ripping?
yes, the black line is threaded through the live stitches at the end of a repeat; it’s called a lifeline. That way, if I make a horrible mistake, I only have to rip it back to that point.
lifeline :> heh. i’m amused. i “invented” that myself ages ago, and have since seen it recommend in the “knitting for dummies” book, but very few other places. i’ve definitely taught it to a lot of people, who just seem so amazed at it :> go figure. is a good trick.
Your hobby makes my hobby look piddly… there is something so intangibly beautiful about that lace that it makes me feel like I can almost smell or taste it.
Hee.. you *could* smell it, too – I misted it with a water spray that has sandalwood, patchouli, rose, and some other essential oils – it smells like woodsy spices.
What hobby are you talking about that seems piddly? I find that I enjoy a wide range of different things, even though some of them seem more “substantial” than others.
I actually just meant to say that your incredibly intricate hobby puts my incredibly intricate hobbies to shame… being that it involves so much skill and knowledge. But I think my hobbies are substantial and I throw myself at them with ample curiosity and zeal. Entomology you already know about, then there is gardening, fishkeeping, cooking… the list goes on and on.
All that to say “I’m impressed”.
That really is looking lovely! I am going to have to make time to do a “mystery” project one of these days!
I wanted to tell you I got my INKnitters today *GRIN* EXCELLENT JOB!!
Hey! Thanks for the heads-up.. I haven’t gotten MY copy yet, and they haven’t answered my emails! I know they’ve moved their offices, and that’s always a turmoil, but still…
That is so weird… what is it about Minnesota? or is it just me? 😉 I got my copy of “Spin-Off” before got hers too a couple back. I seem to get them up to a week earlier than anyone.
Anyway, the pics are fabulous and given I’ve read your site fully, it seems to have everything pretty much intact – AND it’s mentioned as the “article” on the cover 🙂
So now… I hope you get paid at least a pittance! *GRIN*
*blush* I’m adding you as a friend as well. I just looked and I realize we have some very interesting and important people in common. 🙂
I hope I get more than a pittance! They’ve been… difficult to get hold of. But there were terms, prior to writing the article, so hopefully it’s just a communications error.
Hi, wandered over from‘ LJ because I was curious about the silk and the knitting caught my eye. Lace knitting is on the list of things I want to start trying out, but so far it’s kind of back in line A) because of the gifts I want to get finished in time for Xmas or a couple of birthdays and B) because I haven’t yet obtained any lace patterns that really grabbed me. The bit you have pictured is wonderful, though — especially that central panel.
That’s a stole called “Leda’s Dream” – it was done as a Yahoo group, and the designer gave us a part of the pattern each week. It was a good way to learn lace, because there was so much good input and support! If you’re interested, the group is still live, although not very busy –