Lemme introduce you, to my leetle friend…
In a close-up macro, it looks like a chunk of agate. Or maybe fossilized gum from the bottom of a chair.
But what it is instead, is my very own kidney stone! It was my first. Three millimeters by two, approximately. Composition still awaiting assay; knowing my luck, I’ll be one of the less-than-one-percent that makes stones in some weird rare chemistry. I passed it on Monday the 17th, after a day of surprisingly moderate back pain, some agonizingly expensive tests (they had to CAT scan two segments of my body to ensure that they caught it on film, because I was going to be riding four hours in a car to Houston…) and a little bit of hydrocodone. Having heard lots of horror stories, I was anticipating hours, possibly even days, of stabbing pain. What I got instead was a medium-level crampy sensation, and then a “oh, was that the stone?!” surprise while peeing through the strainer.
That’s just freaky!
It’s amazing the things the body can produce.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a kidney stone. Who knew they were so colorful…
Glad it didn’t hurt. I have a friend who said passing a kidney stone was the worst thing ever.
And I hope that’s that for you!
Eewww, gross!
However, better out than in and causing trouble, non? 😉
Have a happy holiday! At least, it’ll be somewhat less painful in some respects. 🙂
I’ve heard much the same – I had one friend who went to the hospital in extreme pain, and before she was done, ended up with septicemia and double pneumonia. I got off easy. Thanks for your good wishes!
Hee. Yes, much better out than in! Happy holiday to you as well.
Ewwwwwww. Reminds me of a Bezoar!
well now. It kind of looks like a fossilized booger.
I thought you were gonna say it’s a new kind of silk cocoon. 🙂
Here’s hoping you don’t have any more!
yeouch! glad it didn’t cause you too much pain. I don’t think I’d like that to come outta my hoohoo! and to think I’m going to get preggers this year. oops!
Yes you did. Consider it your holiday gift.
1. Ick
2. Ouch
3. Happy Holidays!
Re: okay
1. Yup, ick.
2. Thankfully, not much ouch.
3. And to you the same!
Yeah, I thought it was going to be a silk worm *giggle*
weave it into your art!!
I am glad you and your little friend parted ways with minimal pain!
Hope you and yours have a Cool Yule!
LOL. I was keeping it in a little Petrii dish, but the doctor said he wanted it so they can assay it to see what kind of chemical it’s made of…
I’m just sorry it won’t take a shine, or I’d make it into a little earring or something.
rock tumbler?
The kind of stuff it’s made of, I’m pretty sure I’d just pull out sand.
Besides, it looks kind of like a booger.
calcified mucus! yummay!
ok, I’m totally jealous. I’ve had 4 of those now and they have never let me take mine home. I’m glad yours came out without the drama that they can have. I had to have 2 of my for retrieved for me (youch!!!).
Well, I didn’t give it up at the office… I passed it quietly at home. I would have kept it, but the doctor said they would want to analyze it. I sure don’t want to have any *retrieved!*
Ow! Sounds like you got off very easily, thankfully. I’ve had several friends with kidney stones, and my dad – yow. massive infection from not catching it in time. Almost killed him (course, I can’t even tell you HOW many times I could say that about things that have happened to him). Ow ow ow.
Re: Lemme introduce you, to my leetle friend…
awesome — fossilized booger! i’ve never seen one before (nevermind passed one — it sounds like you blessedly got off easy on that account).
and here i was, wondering what silkworm-related item this could be. 🙂
Oh goodness! Ouch!!!
Well done in getting rid of it. Let’s hope it was an only child so to speak.
Arrrrgghghgh! I’ve passes stones, and I would have gladly suffered mild cramping sensations to get rid of them rather than what I went through! I’m so glad you didn’t have to go through that.
I thought it was the head of a beetle or dragonfly!
the first picture don’t down load
but the 2nd
looks like jade-or a bubble of malicite
probably colestral with salts
or is it a chunk of mistle toe!
just the right color for jule
much better out than in
my hubby would say
probably hurt more up in the kidney where the smaller tubes are
you feeling better yes????
i’ve got my gallstone it looked like a ball of salt crystals
sharp and pointy not pretty like yours…
This is what Daphne passed while on my bed… poor little girl!
She is SOOOO changed after that – SOOOO loving.
But – yah… your post about this is just dang FREAKY! Glad you are ok!
PS: will you get anything from the kidney stone fairy if you put it under your pillow?
Perhaps you should have that mounted…a nice gold ring perhaps.
That is obscenely fascinating. Are you going to make it into jewelry?
Congratulations on giving birth to the devil rock! I am sooo glad you didn’t have too much grief with it. My hubby has had several now. They are no fun.
Same thing happened this year with my mom. She got a massive infection from gallstones but she didn’t have the most common symptons so it took a while to figure out what was going on. 1 week in the hospital later and she was finally feeling better and sent home. Now those things are freaky. You know they can be naturally green? She didn’t even get to see hers though as they sent the whole organ stones and all off for disection to see if there was anything else going on.
Are you going to give it a name?
quickly, it’s new years eve.
i adore you. you’re just beautiful. when i see your face on my little screen i get happy.
Likewise! I wish you were not so far away; I would give you a hug and a kiss.
right back!!
You do have adventures of every kind… I think I could wish you did not have such interesting adventures. Glad it passed without overly complicating things.
I looked at it without seeing the answer first, was going for a crystalized agate, then I thought,,, no, he wouldnt make it that easy so I thought, dried guts of some kind. I guess i was close. The very thought of that .. passing.. is horrific. I am so glad you are ok.
Take care of yourself.. no really, take care of yourself… adventures with bees — ok. Adventures with kidney stones… not so good.