Dallas Handweavers and Spinners Guild Show
The Dallas Handweavers and Spinners Guild show opened yesterday. Actually, it opened the day before – but yesterday was the actual opening, cookies and punch and little tomatoes on toothpicks type thing.
The Library hangs the show and does all of the promotional materials, posters, signage – they do a great job, and it saves us a lot of stress
They’ve got great display cases; here, Guild members Marty Benson and Ann Nurre are looking at one section of the exhibit. There’s another matching case on the other side of the gallery space.
I entered two pieces; one is the knotwork ribbon necklace, which I ended up calling “Night Carnival,” and the other is a skein of heavy two-ply reeled silk.
Both of them won prizes. The Ronin Awards are named after a former Guild member who endowed show prizes for handspun skeins and articles made from handspun. I was delighted to win these – I’ve won before in Guild shows here, but these particular prizes come with $check$! It’s been a somewhat spendy season; the prizes will come in handy. And, for the first time since I’ve been with the Guild, someone else wove the ribbons! Lynn Smetko does amazing work.
And, apropos of nothing, a mayfly. I had been watching clouds of tiny flittering things floating in the back-yard sun; I hadn’t realized what they were, they are so tiny you can’t tell until they land. They’re maybe a centimeter long; it makes the skin of the back of my hand look like the ass of a wrinkled pink elephant. It happened to be on the camera when I was pulling down photos for this post, so I figured it can go in with the show.
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