Cause that's not the kind of geek that I am…
I keep getting hits to from a NeverWinterNights forum.
Does anybody know what this is?
I’m just curious what they’re saying about the site!
Maybe you should just sign up for an account? Or are there reasons you don’t want to?
oh, I just haven’t. I’m not so much for computer games – I have enough hobbies that absorb my brain for hours on end! I just figure somebody on my Friends List will know.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2002
From: The shadow of the void
Profile: Friday, 06 January 2006 06:06AM
Booyah, boys and girls! Welcome to the TBP weirdo link contest. We have two strong entries already and we want your links! Yes, that’s right, post your weird links here and the winner will be cooked by Ghost! What more could you want!
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Joined: 28 Aug 2002 Profile: Wednesday, 18 January 2006 03:50AM
I don’t know if this belongs here or not, but I just ran across a link to a (potentially) useful web page, but it has one of the best domain names ever:
I used for a login username/password:
user: bobostein
pass: 2thebar
cool, thanks!
I wish I could help you, because I’d be curious, too. But I lost interest in NWN fairly quickly and gave away my game and no longer have access to that portion of the site (for registered game owners only).
Oops. Someone else answered while I was seeing if I could get in.
That’s just a weird kind of thing to find on a game forum. Looks like it must be a guild board or something, and they do silly stuff as well as talk about the game 🙂
I bet there are some people on there who will be sincerely interested in making silk! Lots of rpg people get waaay into crafts. The chainmail thing… 🙂
It’s apparently just a random mention – there didn’t seem to be any followup. I was just curious, because I kept seeing these hits, and I couldn’t see where it was coming from!
Crafts? I don’t what you might be talking about. I wouldnt happen to be up to my eyeballs in various fiber activities while sitting in front of the computer playing various rpgs. nope not me. I don’t use gaming as an excuse to get that scarf done before family reunion gift exchange, nope nope not me.
Nothing to see, move along move along
/early morning pre-caffiene sillyness
Slightly OT but not much
My son plays Runescape and comes up to me with strange questions like: Can you really spin flax into a bowstring? Ok……….where did that come form? Turns out that this is on of the tasks he must do in this RPG Runescape. He’s got a few things out there, and I do remember more than one of them has been related to spinning.
Re: Slightly OT but not much
ah, now it makes sense.
Glad to see you’re getting an idea from a few replies about what the link is about. When I was able to view my webstats I went NUTS often trying to figure out what some of those hits were about. LOL!
It’s kind of cool… I get hits from around the world now, and I’m way up there in some of the search engine rankings.
The thing that always amuses me, is the search phrases. I’m not surprised when somebody finds me with “silkworm” or “Bombyx mori” or “silk reeling” – but when somebody finds me with “hankies by the dozen” or “gross and guts” it makes me laugh.
LMAO! Oh that is funny! 😀
See that’s why Warld of Warcraft has sound effects for things! So you can fish and knit at the same time. Its also the only thing I *really* miss about Everquest 2. When you did tailoring as a trade you would go to a crafting location and while you worked you would see a spinning spinning wheel, a beating floor loom and a glowing dressmaker’s doll. It always made me smile. Especialy since you could get a spinning wheel for your house if you had enough in game money. 🙁
ooo neat. I ddint get to see enough of EQ2 to see that.
Just got a new “better” computer so I can start playing WoW at home instead of just my friends house. They were getting ready to pay out of their own pocket to upgrade my computer so I could *laugh*
But the modem for the new comp doesnt come til Monday so for tonight (and the rest of this weekend) I’m playing Dungeon Siege 2 while dyeing and chatting with my fiber group. Then its off to Tampa yay! where I finally get to learn knitting and Im going to teach naalbinding (my particular fiber specialty).
Yay its Friday! Another fiber and gaming weekend!!! I so need it after the way work was this week. Okay off to play.