Pick up nine stitches…

I’ve been fascinated with knitting since Peru. I’ve dabbled before, but really wanted to learn more. Something about watching it happening again and again on the trip just kind of made it click. I wanted SOCKS. For some reason, they seem far more compelling to me than scarves (which has been my only previous experience with knitting, vis-a-vis one scarf), hats, etc.

Rather than gently experiment with making long round tubes and getting lots of virtuous practice, I decided to test the depth of the water with both feet. I found a relatively simple sock pattern, Baba’s Bed Socks, and started right in. I got through the first heel and most of the gusset, and realized which things needed to be done totally differently, so I ripped out that iteration and started over. Now, I’m about half-way down the foot. I’m so hooked! It’s definitely not perfect, but this is my first experience with DPN’s and my third knitted project, so be kind…. it may be a sock that only a mother could love, but at least it’s a sock

Shameless Plug

Anyone who’s going to be in Dallas on Saturday – I’ll be down at the Dallas City Hall Plaza at Pagan Pride Day, selling soaps and fizzing bath seltzers. If you’re in town, drop by and say howdy and shop! If you’re not… keep your fingers crossed for good weather and lots of buying!

Note: This entry contains some graphic descriptions of gay sex. If it’s not legal in your community for you to read it, you’re not old enough, or it would disturb you… please don’t click on the cut-tag.

Dream 20030915, 6:00 AM: Conquering Switzerland LUCID *sexual*