Three Blue Eggs!

Today, for the first time, we have three blue eggs.  This confirms what I had suspected – our three Ameraucanas have been taking turns laying.

We’d been getting two blue eggs a day most days, but the color wasn’t always 100% consistent, and just recently a couple of the eggs were bloody outside (typical of a hen just beginning to lay)… but now, we’re sure that all three are laying.

The tomatoes are doing well; they’re almost ready to be potted on.  It’s fifty degrees outside, so they get to go out for a sun-bath.

When you touch them, they smell like tomato plants.  For me, that’s one of those wonderful summer smells; it’s very happy-making to have the smell of tomato plants in February.

Did you know chickens beg?  Chickens beg a LOT.  I’ve deliberately trained them to come when called, and we’ve accidentally trained them to come when the garage-door opener makes its noise.  They flap and squawk across the yard, and then they stand at the fence cawing and walking back and forth.  You can see there’s still some snow; it’s all gone from the streets and mostly from the yards, but it hangs on in shady places, like our back yard and driveway.

It Doesn’t Usually Snow Here…

By 5:45 this morning, it had already snowed a couple of inches.

By nine this morning, we had nearly five inches.

This is really beautiful snow; it fell almost straight down, so it built up on every available surface, instead of blowing into drifts.

The coop is covered in a thick layer.  The chickens were locked in the upper “apartment” overnight to keep them warm.

It was probably fifty degrees inside – not “toasty warm,” but certainly within the Chicken Comfort Zone.  I gave them some water up in the top so that they’d have something to drink, let down the gangplank so they can enjoy the bottom of the coop (and the yard, if they decide to brave the snow – unlikely!) and then shut the door quickly to conserve heat.

We have a house made for snow, with the steep gables and the clean lines – it always reminds me of a Currier and Ives print when it’s snow-covered.

Kego plunged into the snow chest-first with the joy of a long-haired dog finding a medium worthy of her coat.  Bailey bounced along behind her – he wants to enjoy the snow, but he also faces the apprehension that any short-legged boy dog gets when deep snow hits him right in the tonker. Some times he would nearly levitate like a cat does, when he hit a deep part.

Taco DOES NOT like the snow.  He went back to the garage where there is a clear spot, and waited for the door to magically open.

It’s 10:20 now, and snowing again.  I’ll try to get more pictures once it settles.

Tomato Time Again!

In order to try and beat the heat, my Dad always starts his tomatoes really early.  Last year was the first time he started tomatoes from seed, and it inspired Chris and me to start some of our own.

Chris got a little plant-starting greenhouse with a heating mat, and a Jump Start plant light, this past winter.  He set up the peat pods and I planted the seeds this past Sunday… we had about 30% germination by Wednesday. Three days.  Half the time tomatoes are supposed to take.  We’re at about 80% germination now, on Friday.  I am now a Heat Mat Believer!

Last year we raised a mix of different types of cherry tomatoes, and we didn’t keep track of which was where.  This year, I divided into 12 plants of each of 6 types – two different sources of Grape (Botanical Interests and Johnny’s Selected Seeds), Celebrity, Arkansas Traveler, Sweet 100, and Green Zebra.  If they grow like the ones last year did, we’ll have 72 tomato plants – last time around, we brought them to work with little “free to good home” signs.

This time, we’ve got more gardening friends, and I think they’ll all find homes.  I’m hoping to take them to the Rainbow Garden Club meeting in April… I want to be That Queen with a huge flat of organically-raised tomato plants to share.  I’ve already bought the little plantable pots and cute wooden markers.

Presenting: Rawnell!

After several unsuccessful attempts, we finally managed to get our rooster Little Bit returned to the farmer and exchanged for a hen.  We picked a lovely Ameraucana, gold with brown and black markings.  One of my friends from work, Ron, asked us to name her after him.  One of Chris’s friends from work, Ellen, made the same odd request. We ended up with Rawnell.

Isn’t she pretty?

She’s still bottom of the pecking order, but she’s doing all right.  I’m pretty sure she’s given us one egg, although it’s hard to tell with having three Ameraucanas.

Beehive Fail

When I had a beekeeping friend inspect my hive early this summer, she said that the hive was way too small and not building up properly, and was likely not going to make it through the winter.  I requeened in September, and I fed and hoped.  The hive dwindled down in numbers, but I didn’t realize they had gotten so low on stores, until they started dying off.  Within a couple of days, the hive failed and the bees were almost all dead, of starvation and cold.

Some of the bees were head-down in empty cells.

These look like they’re going about their bee business… but they froze in place.

This is all the bees that were left in the hive.  There was a pile scattered on the ground in front of the hive as well.

In the interest of finding at least some silver lining, this means that the hive can be used again; there wasn’t any sign of disease or poison.  It doesn’t help much on making me feel like less of a bad person, though.  I do want to try again in the spring.

Chickens Don’t Like the Snow

We got a little snow last night.

It snowed a couple of inches yesterday, but then melted off, and snowed again overnight.  This morning, we had just a dusting on everything, but it was all fluffy and frozen.

I always think our house looks best with snow on it.

The garden got just enough snow to look forlorn, without getting enough to look Winter Wonderland.

I opened up the coop, and the chickens all huddled in the back, giving me a beady-eyed glare that clearly stated, “Screw this cold white stuff, we’re staying inside.”

A handful of hen scratch eventually lured them out…

… except for Freebird, who decided that she didn’t like the snow AT ALL, and kept walking back and forth in the un-snowy space under the eaves.

She was clearly torn – she really wanted the corn, but she was afraid of the snow.

I eventually gave her a little bit of corn under the eaves.

Sue’s New Eggs, Hen Pecking

The fertile Marans eggs arrived in  the mail today!

They were all well-packaged, and all six of them arrived whole and uncracked.

They’re not quite as large as Ginger’s freakishly Jumbo eggs, but their color is excellent.

I set up a broody box for Sue in the upstairs bathroom, where we raised the Ameracuana chicks this spring.  The other hens were sitting on top of her to lay eggs in the favorite nest!

This looks like two roosters getting in a fight… but I swear the big black one with the tall comb (Jeanette) has given us an egg every day for the past two months. I love how she spits out a mouth full of feathers at about 0:36.  Sorry about the blurry focus!

Finally, the little banty rooster pushes the right “submit” button, and Jeanette bows down. He is suddenly puzzled… like the amorous Dachsund who finds that the neighbor’s Great Dane is willing, but doesn’t know how to go about it. He tries to mount her from a couple of different angles, then gives up.

Our Little Bantam… hen?

Today, for the first time, I saw Little Bit crow.

So far, at least, it’s really low-volume; I hope we don’t end up with a full-on rooster crow, because they’re not allowed in the City of Dallas.  If “she” turns out to be a “he,” we may have to get rid of her.

One Banty Hen, One Broody Hen

I finally got a good shot of Little Bit.  She is about the size of a pigeon.

Sue has decided to go broody.  She was setting eggs when we got her from Bageniece Farms.  Most of the hens we have are from breeds that don’t tend to go broody, and I’m hopeful that she’ll turn out to be a good momma hen.  Of course, without a rooster, she’s not sitting on eggs that will hatch – so I ordered some fertile eggs through Ebay.

I love the way she fluffs up her ruff.  What you can’t see, is that she’s pecking my hand!  She hasn’t hurt me at all, but she’s made it clear that failure to obey the warning peck will result in a more aggressive one.

Looking at pictures and reading, I think Sue may be (at least partly) a breed called Golden Phoenix.  She has the right shape and coloring, they’re a breed that tends toward broodiness, and they tend to roost high up.  The first couple of weeks, we kept having to fetch her out of the honeysuckle on the fence and tuck her into the hen house!

Anybody recognize this hem?

A friend of mine is working on writing a description of a textile, and is having trouble describing the hem.  I’ve seen similar turned-scallop technique in San-Blas applique, but I don’t know if there’s an English term that describes this.

This is showing the back.  You can see where the brighter printed color from the front is turned over and hand-stitched down in a little reverse scallop.

Here’s a close-up.  The textile comes from Rajasthan, in India.  I did find this post, which shows pictures that look like they have a similar edge.