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  1. admin
    admin says:

    I think they sound more like whole peanuts – but yes, there is a definite sound of something in a loose closed space rattling.

  2. unluckymonkey
    unluckymonkey says:

    AWEsome! You totally made me smile. I have to say that this is the first ever That’s Clever that I wouldn’t know how to do exactly what you do from watching. 😉 You really ARE clever, dear!

    I have to ask what, if any, sotware you used to design the patterns for weaving. I’ve been struggling with the best way to chart out multi color knit design and your graphcs looked perfect!

    As usual you rock. and that hat really suits you. Yeeehaw!

  3. admin
    admin says:


    I use a pattern software called PatternMaker. It’s originally designed for cross-stitch, but it works excellently for tablet-weaving. As long as you’re just looking for the color-graphing part, it would work – it can’t understand the requirements of knitted or woven technique.

  4. unluckymonkey
    unluckymonkey says:

    oh thanks! I did a search and found this: http://www.microrevolt.org/knitPro/ which might just suit my purposes for the time being. I wish it had a little more flexibility for sizes though. I’ll have to look up the PatternMaker software and see if it has more to offer. I can do it all from scratch but making it and getting an image prepared is really hard enough!

    Thanks for the info, dear!

  5. faireraven
    faireraven says:

    Eek! Moldy dead worms, yeah, there’s a reason I never went into the whole “from scratch” thing… I’d probably do something stupid, forget where I put them, and have a batch of moldy worms on my hands when I finally found the whole thing six months later. EW.

    Yes, now that you have the close-up I can see what you’ve done with the brocading… Cool! Thanks!

    Beautiful work!

  6. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Thanks so much for supplying the video so I could see it. I can’t get the original. You were absolutely wonderful, Michael! Too bad it takes so much more time than it seems to weave that lovely bookmark. Heh!

    Hugs, Louisa (who also uses Patternmaker Pro for everything else except the cross-stitch it was meant for)

  7. purplemermaid
    purplemermaid says:

    Thank you for linking to the programme otherwise I would not have had a chance to see i over here in the UK. You have a pleasant voice and it was nice to see a moving picture of you – it is almost like I have met you now.

    By the way is there any chance you can look into your commenting box. Like someone said earlier – the text that comes up is really tiny.

  8. admin
    admin says:

    I don’t know where I can change that. There’s a whole list of different fonts in the page style, but comment entry box is not one of the options. If you know someone who knows how it works, I’d be happy to alter it.

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