
I’ve been too crazy-busy with this and several other things to mention it before, but I got married on May 5. After five and a half years of living together as a committed couple, Christopher and I agreed that it was high time for all of our friends and family to meet up and have a big party!

We had the ceremony in the fantastic building where I have worked for six years. This is Kurth Hall, which we used for the ceremony.

Janet and Charles Mars presided. They are the High Priest and Priestess of the British Traditionalist coven that I attend. We aimed for a vague, non-denominational ceremony, so as not to stress out some of the more conservative family members – they were already dealing with a gay wedding, they didn’t need the culture shock of a full-on Wiccan ritual. My goal, was for people to walk out thinking, “Hmm… are they Unitarians? What was that?” while all our Wiccan friends nod sagely.

The ceremony was perfect; simple and moving, elegant and not too long. When Janet talked about love and commitment, people cried. When we found out that gluten-free rice crackers crunch *REALLY LOUD* in a quiet hall, people laughed.

Each of us had two attendants; Chris called them the Best Chicks and I referred to them as the Groomsmaids. My dance partner Jerod was our Impresario; he made sure that things happened, he ushed people, he kept the music playing.

LOTS of family came! I was very touched by the support. There were folks here that I haven’t seen in over a decade. I got to meet some members of Chris’s family that I’d never met before, including his dad and his brother in law.

There were SO many presents. This is only part of them – many came in by UPS, scattered over a couple of weeks before the ceremony. It was like Christmas every day, for a month. The thank you cards are almost all written.

We had the food catered by someone that I know through work; she did a beautiful job as always. Roasted chicken with long-grain and brown rice in a wine sauce, salad, and a mix of fruits, cheeses, and gluten-free crackers.

We had help from family and friends, but we did most of the decorating and organizing ourselves. Here’s Chris putting together flower arrangements. We went with silver and gold – to represent the years we’ve already had together, and the years we look forward to in the future.

This is one of the tables.

We were floored by the number of people who came! In front, a couple of our friends who have LiveJournals – I won’t name names here, but you know who you are.

Our friend Mark, who was bartending for us, had an announcement – his boyfriend George gave him a ring. We’re very happy for him – Mark is a wonderful person and deserves only good things.

Jaime was impressed.

We had the traditional first dance – Chris decided that it should be a fast waltz. It was beautiful, and fun. We wore boots. With handmade socks, no less!

Business with cake. My friend Nancy baked gluten-free cake for me, and Chris made the cool chocolate silkmoth that sat atop it. There was a big hazelnut cream white cake for folks who could eat it. They were both really tasty.

We originally planned to leave early, but it didn’t work out that way – so instead of people blowing bubbles at us as we left, they blew bubbles as we danced a last dance.

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  1. unluckymonkey
    unluckymonkey says:

    hahaha ok I should slow down when I type.
    So when do I get a close up of you two together? I’ve not actually ever seen you post a portrait of you two together at anything but a distance.

  2. admin
    admin says:

    Hee. Probably half that – I’ve been trying to be a good boy and say thanks to everyone for their congrats. And – thanks! 🙂

  3. admin
    admin says:

    We have some beautiful shots that my boss’s photographer husband too, but I’m having trouble figuring out how to upload them.

  4. eahhh
    eahhh says:

    Did you get any close up pictures of the chocolate silkmoth on the cake? That just sounds so lovely! Congratulations!!! (I’m also in case you are struggling to place me.) It is a delight to see your wedding photos.

  5. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I think it’s Actias maenas – we colored it like A. luna, though.

    It’s not a chocolate mold, although it works OK as one. I think it’s really designed to be a relief decoration. It’s made of molded thin steel.

  6. admin
    admin says:

    The lighting was *blinding* is what it was! He had to photoshop our eyes some, to stop us being so squeenty! It was a sunshine/fill card thing – he’s good with a camera.

  7. unluckymonkey
    unluckymonkey says:

    You know I think I have only a handful of pics with my bub. You’re making me wanna fix that. 🙂
    Consider me inspired!

    Yeah frequently the best lighting for the photographer is the opposite for the subject.

  8. eljefe
    eljefe says:


    Thanks for sharing pictures of your big day.
    Congrats on making it to this moment and formalizing your commitment.
    Good luck and great hugs,

  9. admin
    admin says:

    I should have asked somebody to get a macro – they turned out very neat looking. The mold has a lot of deep relief, and he colored all the details, the eye hook part in the wing, etc. And the body and antennae were peanut butter flavored!

  10. eahhh
    eahhh says:

    Haha, they sound yummy. I think if I ever had to guess what flavor a luna moth would be I’d have assumed cool and minty… or maybe green tea chocolate!

  11. admin
    admin says:

    The green part was actually one of those not-quite-chocolate palm-oil things. But, it’s what he could get that would take the right color. They were tasty, and looked neat.

    I agree with you, though – something kind of minty seems appropriate. Or maybe lime.

  12. admin
    admin says:

    Sure thing!

    Janet had a number of different versions that she’d done for various services; we kind of cherrypicked what we liked, and added in some things specific to our situation. It’s so great to have an HPS who is (a) open-minded, and (2) such a good public speaker!

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