I know this is off the beaten path for my journal – nothing to do with Dreamland or the textile arts – but I think there are probably a lot of folks on my Friends List who would enjoy this link as much as I have!

Green Linnet is a site that sells Celtic music albums. Lots of traditional stuff, like Tannahill Weavers, but also more modern interpretations.

The coolest part? You can listen to WHOLE ALBUMS at a time for free on the Internet! It sure helps figure out what I want to buy, and it keeps me entertained at the office.

0 replies
  1. admin
    admin says:

    Hee. I’m glad! It’s sure brightened my office lately – we’ve been pasting photos on holiday cards, and it’s been booo-ring. Lively music helps.

  2. juniper1
    juniper1 says:

    Great link! Now I know what I will be listening to today while I bake. I miss you and hope all is well with you. What’s your faves on here?


  3. admin
    admin says:

    I haven’t really picked favorites yet – but I usually know that anything from Tannahill Weavers I’ll like, especially if they’re singing in close harmony. I wish they had Steeleye Span!

    I was thinking of you the other day – we had DSL problems, but it turned out (finally, after several days) to be SBC’s problem, compounded by their guy messing with the wires.

    Hope you’re having a great Winter so far –

  4. admin
    admin says:

    You probably could… best to bear them one at a time, though. None of them are heavy, but all four at once would be really cumbersome.

  5. balanceinchaos
    balanceinchaos says:

    depends I suppose upon whether we do it kinky or “straight”… with the right accessories and strapping, I might be able to bear them all at once. might make a great silly photo!

  6. admin
    admin says:

    Yeah… one person carrying two small dogs and two medium-sized cats (who don’t all always get along, and one cat absolutely refuses to be held for more than a few seconds) would certainly be humorous!

  7. admin
    admin says:

    Got that one! Unfortunately, a lot of my favorites are in the “too obscure for mainstream music sites” category – but, I managed to set up a couple of stations that I like.

    The thing that frustrates me – it doesn’t seem to realize that I’m not listening to some of these singers because it’s a sonorous female with minor and modal harmonies – I’m listening because it’s old ballads, or folk music, etc. They don’t seem to take any account for subject matter/genre.

  8. spiderfarmer
    spiderfarmer says:

    Hmmm…I’ve not noticed that, but I haven’t had a lot of time to play with it. It’s still in beta, you should drop them a line explaining how you’d like to be able to select, or recommend…it may be something easy to do…it may not. 🙂

  9. admin
    admin says:

    When you type in a name their system doesn’t recognize, it gives some message about they’ll look for it – but I don’t know if that’s a standard palliative, or if they actually do get a list of things that people request.

  10. quantum_kitty
    quantum_kitty says:

    Interestingly enough at the last Celtic Festival I heard a group called Need Fire. A Celtic rock band. Bagpipe and fiddle are part of the setup. It’s an interesting sound, to say the least. I actually really like a couple of the songs, the others I could take or leave.

    I’m heading to Green Linnet to check them out. 🙂 Thanks for the information.

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