InKnitters article

This has been one of those challenging projects, and I didn’t want to jinx it by announcing prematurely – but my article in InKnitters is finally in mailboxes. I haven’t been able to find a copy at any of our local bookstores yet, and their website is still showing Spring’s issue – but I’ll post a picture when I get one!

I don’t know if it ended up being four pages or five, because they were doing some format work on it – but it’s mentioned on the cover (so I’ve been told) and what I saw as a proofing galley looked very nice. It’s amazing what a little layout work and some editorial spit and polish can do for one’s writing.

Needless to say, I’m very excited! This is my first article in a national magazine, and it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.

0 replies
  1. selkie_b
    selkie_b says:

    It IS lovely and you should be exceptionally proud of yourself 🙂 It’s 5 pages on the sericulture and a page of “Worm Spit”. So SIX pages!

  2. moon8sky
    moon8sky says:

    Way to go sweetie. You will have to get a copy and bring it so we can all read some time!! Congrats, oh and that is a very nice picture of you in your icon!

  3. teanga_mil
    teanga_mil says:

    Wow! I’ll try to pick up a copy. You do beautiful work.

    I’m a beginning knitter but have been crocheting for years.

    …and atomslife pointed me in your direction…hope you don’t mind.

  4. admin
    admin says:

    Hey! I pretty much never mind. 🙂

    Just a note – I’ll add you to my Friends List, which means you can read protected entries – almost all of which are my dream journalling. Just skip it if they’re too weird.

    The folks at InKnitters also publish Crochet Fantasy – not sure yet if they’ll pick up the article, but it’s a possibility.

  5. byjane
    byjane says:

    Congratulations! An article in a glossy on your first try. And a coverline…very impressive. I used to write for magazines and I remember how different–so professional–my articles looked when they were in print. I couldn’t quite believe I actually wrote them! Way to go….

  6. teanga_mil
    teanga_mil says:

    Weird? That sounds familiar when it comes to dreams. 🙂

    Same for my journal, except it sometimes includes venting but usually just has day to day norms and current projects.

  7. holy_smokes
    holy_smokes says:

    Hi Michael! Congrats on your continued success.

    I’ve added you to my LJ, if that’s cool.

    I will see you tonight @ the park! Thanks again for the invites.

  8. queer_ishmael_
    queer_ishmael_ says:

    Hello, at one time I had you listed as an LJ friend under my old username or .

    I have readded you under my new name and you are under no obligation to do the same, I am just trying to reconnect with everyone I have lost touch with.

  9. ravenfeather
    ravenfeather says:

    First, congratulations. Second, I have seen you in a couple of communities we share, and came over to have a looksee at your journal.. and found it interesting. I post in communities as as it is one of my open journals. I would like to add you to my main journal to read daily if you don’t mind?

  10. admin
    admin says:


    Just a note: The only thing that I regularly friends-protect, is my dream-work; you may see some stuff that is weird, gross, disturbing, or sexual behind the cuts, in the dream entries. I haven’t been logging my dreams lately, but there is the occasional entry.

  11. imaget
    imaget says:

    I read your article, I loved it, if I weren’t dead broke, and group-house living, I’d try it the whole silk worm thing. It certainly seems a lot more sensible than acquiring a smelly quadriped.

  12. sultry_peacock
    sultry_peacock says:

    InKnitters: congrats!

    The article you wrote for InKnitters is fabulous. Very informative, Very well written! Ended a little abruptly. I did want to read more. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience!

  13. admin
    admin says:

    Re: InKnitters: congrats!


    I had a great time doing it. Can you tell me anything in particular that you think would be interesting in the “read more” sense – for future articles?

  14. lasa
    lasa says:

    I was in InKnitters Spring issue (Turkish Cardigan and accompanying article) and will have at least 2 in the fall issue. It’s a kick to be published, isn’t it?

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